It had been all of five minutes when Luigi darted back into the basement. Visibility was next to nothing- all he could see were areas he illuminated when he threw balls of ice against the wall, and these only lasted seconds. The current had weakened, but so had the castle- he could hear the walls groaning despite his muffled hearing.
"Peach!" cried a Toad, spluttering and splashing towards the Princess who had just landed in the courtyard. "We've got to get clear of the moat! The whole castle is warping! C'mon!"
"I can't!" replied Peach breathlessly. She stood up facing the castle and the gems on her dresses and crown began to glow. "C'mon, old girl- you can take this!" As she said this she seemed to focus on the castle, eyes closed, fists clenched. "Don't you give up on me now!"
Toadsworth, who had just come running up, pulled the other Toads clear. "It's make or break now, fellows," he said. "If anything distracts Peach now, it's all lost."
To Luigi's surprise the torches in the basement began to glow again, giving him just enough visibility to see Daisy, who had miraculously avoided getting pulled into the main pipe and was lodged between the pipe and a slowly bending wall. Luigi swam to the pipe, fighting the current with all of his might, which, with the aid of his penguin suit, was just enough to keep him clear. Realizing that just pulling Daisy out would certainly cause her to be lost in the current, he instead swam above her and pulled up. She came loose easily- too easily. With one arm he held on to the unconscious Princess as he dashed to the window. Suddenly his vision began to dim - oxygen shortage, he realized. Thirty seconds left.
Peach's gems were beginning to fade. She looked exhausted. "Not yet," she said weakly. "Please not yet."
As Luigi fought to get to the window his motions weakened and he became less and less able to focus. He knew what he had to do but it was becoming increasingly impossible to move. His eyes began to close, hard as he fought to keep them open.
Toadsworth and the others watched Peach nervously. "What's she doing, Toadsworth?" one of them asked.
Toadsworth shook his head sadly. "Losing, old chap. She's losing."
Suddenly Peach, who had bent as if carrying some great weight, suddenly bolted upright. "That-a-girl!" she cried hopefully. "Just a little longer!"
Luigi's eyes blinked back open again. He looked and saw Daisy's gems glowing- but only took a second to consider it before bolting to the surface with more energy than ever before. The staircase...foyer...window...made it! With a sudden rush the two spilled through the window right in front of Peach.
"Luigi..." Peach whispered. "Run."
He looked at Peach, then turned around and looked at the castle, which was going to collapse any second.
"Not leaving you a-here!" he shouted.
"Won't have to. I'm running as soon as you do."
He didn't need to be told again. With Daisy in his arm he dashed towards the Toads. A split second later Peach turned around, the gems faded on both princesses, and the castle began to tumble. Peach barely cleared the bridge before the central tower came crumbling on top of it, breaking it to the ground.
They all reached the Toads safely and together placed Daisy on the ground.
"She's got a pulse!" Luigi rejoiced.
"But she isn't breathing!" cried Toadsworth.
All of a sudden Daisy began sputtering and coughing. Everyone watched intently as she slowly opened her eyes. She looked over at Toadsworth and grinned weakly. "Gee, Pops, you sure about that?"
(Continued next week)