With that the Pink Yoshi disappeared.
"What did she mean, 'not the only creatures who regenerate?'" asked The Doctor.
"No time to answer that right now, Doctor," interrupted Amy. "Right now we need to stop these Daleks. A minute ago you were about to do something crazy. Don't let us stop you."
"I didn't actually have a plan."
"They didn't know that. Besides, you're The Doctor."
At this the Blue one piped in. "You're a Time Lord. I actually believe that means you know what you're doing."
The Doctor smiled. "Well!" he said, "If I'm going to do something crazy, I might as well extend to the Daleks their last chance."
"AND WHAT IS THAT, DOC-TOR?" asked the Dalek, which, with its compatriots, had backed away a few feet after seeing the new companions and the strange Pink Yoshi.
"Really? In that case allow me to explain why this time you really should. Each of these stars has the power to make someone invincible due to their unbreakable regenerative energy field. If you gain them you will be impervious to even the most sophisticated of weapons. However, I haven't yet tried reversing the polarity of something- and I'm about to do it now."
"Imagine a star's energy, reversed by a sonic pulse. It would cause the whole star's chemical makeup to change so that rather than being made of regenerative elements it would quickly become made of destructive ones. And futhermore," he continued, "the gravitational elemental attraction of the star would reverse."
"A couple thousand dark stars would chase you to the edge of the universe. You'd never escape, and they would destroy you."
"You would destroy yourself. You don't need this power, but your insatiable desire to rule the universe causes you to seek it at the cost of others' lives. I am The Doctor, and you know our little routine. You attack, and I stop you. So then, if you really think you can get past me, do something smart for a change. Let someone else go first."
"EX-TER-MIN-ATE!" yelled the three Daleks as they simultaneously blasted the Doctor. The screwdriver fell to the ground, landing in Mario's hand.
"You there!" cried Rory to the Daleks. "You forgot something!"
Before they could finish their sentence Mario was standing, screwdriver in hand. "Here we go!" he shouted, and, aiming the screwdriver at the stars, pushed the button.
"Everybody duck!" cried Amy as a cloud of dark stars began flooding out of the chamber.
Almost everyone ducked. There was no time for the Daleks to escape, and they disappeared almost as suddenly as they had appeared. The stars that hit them disappeared too.
"Now push it again!" shouted Rory.
Mario did so, causing the stars to return to their normal color and flood back into the vault. When it was all over, the two companions/Yoshis stared at Mario, and he at them.
"I promise not all Yoshis are fake," said Rory to Mario's questioning look.
"Well then!" said the Doctor, springing up from the ground as everyone else did the same. "You've all performed wonderfully! I'm very impressed by your acting, Princess Peach. Those 'last words' almost made me cry! How many of you knew you would make it through?"
"We all did, Doctor," said the Princess, "but we thought it best to let the Daleks believe we were gone. That way if the worst came to the worst we could come to your assistance."
"I appreciate that, Princess. It looks like Amy and Rory had a similar idea. How did you get here, anyway?"
"Don't be daft, Doctor!" cried Amy. "Didn't you see the Pink Yoshi?"
"There was a Pink one? I didn't see her."
"She was right there!" Rory protested.
"I saw her," said Clara.
"Me too!" said Red.
Mario nodded.
"Well," said The Doctor, a little uneasily, "I must have just missed her. Where is she now?"
"...She disappeared, Doctor. In fact, pretty soon Rory and I will too. We can't stay, you know."
"Why not? The TARDIS is right outside and..."
"You know why not. You have a new companion now, and it's time you went on a new journey, don't you think? He's been waiting a long time."
With that, the Blue and White Yoshis changed forms, just for a second. The Doctor saw his friends as they really were, as he'd known them, and then they disappeared.
"Doctor," said Peach, "Is it always this dangerous with you?"
"Will those Daleks come back, you think?"
"I doubt it. They're already halfway across the solar system running from the stars that aren't chasing them."
"That was pretty clever, you know."
"Well, Mario used the screwdriver. I just calibrated it."
Mario smiled.
"I have to leave, too, Doctor," said Clara a little sadly. "I'm sure we'll meet soon enough.
"Thank you, Clara. I hope it is soon."
As Clara walked away in one direction and Mario and Peach headed another, The Doctor looked at Red.
"Well then! Thank you for bringing me back! Where to next?"
Red grinned, but before he could say a word-
Yoshi jolted straight up in bed. He looked at the window. Sunlight filtered in through the curtains, but it was evident that he'd been asleep most of the day.
"Come on, Yoshi!" said Luigi. "It's time to watch Doctor Who! Have you been asleep all this time?"
"I must have been," Yoshi replied. "Sorry, I just had the strangest dream."
"Really? What about?"
"Hmm...maybe I'd better tell you another time."
He looked towards the side of his bed. There was no dresser- there never had been, but suddenly he noticed a letter left where the dresser, had it been real, would have been.
"I'll see you guys in the living room," he said to his friends.
They began walking and he looked at the letter. He opened it up and to his surprise a small watch fell out, with a note-
"Thank you for the adventure! I know it didn't last very long, but it was fun, wasn't it?"
The Doctor
A new story will begin this weekend.
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